My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book takes place in modern time. Not too old and not too much in the future. The main characters consist of Crystal and/or Bree, her father, and some boyfriends. The girl Crystal lives on the West cost too with her mother. All her friends and family are all on that side. Her father lives on the West coast in New Mexico. On the East, she is a straight A student, does nothing bad, and has good friends. Shes your average American teenager from the perspective of grandparents. Then one summer she is forced by court to visit her father. Crystal is okay with her father. She doesn't know too much about him and she likes to keep it that way. She thinks of this visit more as "something you have to do, even though you don't like it". She goes there and meets a boy. The boy is like any girls dream. Cool, calm, handsome, and manly. The boy introduces her to the monster. The monster is a drug called crank. a yellowy powder/ crystal form that you can snort,smoke, and shoot up. When we leaves from visiting her father, she brings back two things. The other personality and her addiction to the monster. She then meets two boys that are both friends that both have connections to the monster. Bree, i mean Crystal doesn't have much money so she is desperate for the monster. So desperate that she let the one boy rape her so she could get a taste of the monster. She then starts a relationship with the other friend and then she finds out she is pregnant. The one boy thinks its his but its really the boy who raped her. The good guy proposes to her and she declines and he goes off to collage. She keeps the baby. The book ends with her keeping clean and doing everything right. Until the sequel.
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