A lit Letter I wrote awhile back.
Forrest Gump
I’ve been reading very realistic books lately, books that could come to life, books that I could even live in. This book may even be considered a classic. The book “Forrest Gump” is written by Winston Groom. This book is good for anyone who has seen the movie or has seen parts of the movie. This book is realistic fiction and ranges from the high school to adulthood. The story is about a mentally ill person. Normally they refer to this as retarded or him being just an idiot. Throughout the entire story Forrest tries to do the right things but gets pulled into the wrong things and is taken advantage of by almost everyone he knows.
One of the important parts of the book is when Forrest went into space. He went up into space with an orangutan and a female human. The female human was rude and needy, the orangutan was scary. In the end before they got out of space they all became friends. It’s not when they got out of space either, it’s how they got out. The orangutan was getting angry and started pulling some wires out of the side of the ship which caused some malfunctions and made the spaceship fall out of orbit and back into earth. They crash landed near an island. They all landed safely and were unharmed. The island was covered in cannibalizes and were ready to eat all of them. Luckily there was a man there who spoke very good proper English and he was the leader of the tribe. Instead of eating them they put Forrest, the lady and the orangutan to work in the fields to grow cotton. They were there for four years straight. While they were there the leader of the tribe taught Forrest to play chess. After four year of playing the leader never beat Forrest. But night they played and the leader was about to win, that’s when Forrest said he had to go pee and got the other female astronaut and the orangutan. They all started to run from where they were and hop on a boat. Once they did the tribe came after them and caught them once again. They were going to eat them now, since the tribe villagers were dripping in their mouths to eat all three of them. Once they were about to from them in the pot a rival tribe came up and took hostage of the tribe and the tree of them. That rival tribe were about to drop the leader of the cannibal tribe in when he said where he was going to make his next move in his chess game to beat Forrest. Then he was thrown into the boiling pot of water and was cooked. Then the tree astronauts conked the rival tribe leader over the head and ran like crazy.
Personally I think the book was a little more exciting than the movie. I’ve got to say though, the actor “Tom Hanks” made the movie very good though. I would recommend this book to anyone who has seen the movie and to anyone who likes books about the old good day. This book is just plain awesome.
This was for a perswasive essay this past year.
Is your life really yours?
Life is something that is sacred, something that you can say is truly yours and nobody can say otherwise, wrong. Your body is the governments. I am here to fight for assisted suicide. Assisted suicide is a way for people to commit suicide with their dignity. This lets them die without any pain, cuts, bruises, and lets them have a funeral with an open casket. The people who create these devices use chemicals and other ways to die with no pain. You have created your life, you are sick of life, you want to end your life, but you can’t because it is not yours. Assisted suicide should be legal in all states and all places over the world.
You should have the right to die. You have to have the right to die. Some people do not wish to commit suicide in an unordered fashion. Most people want to die with dignity. This is a way for people to die with dignity. We chose all the decisions for our life and we even pay money for our life. We have to pay for our birth and our funeral. We are in control of our lives and we live them. We should definitely know if we want to keep on living or wish to part to the other world.
If assisted suicide becomes legal, this will open up new job opportunities. This means more money coming into the state and more money in taxes. Doctors will be paid more for the service of death. Will’s will be able to be fully written for the person if they set up a particular date. Doctors can come up with new drugs and methods of assisted suicide; it will eventually become an art of killing. More the deaths then more the money.
What do we get from people who wish to end their lives? We get nothing; we get no help, no sympathy and no remorse from them. They are just dragging other people down into their own problems that they have and create. If a person is not happy about being alive then they do not deserve life. If assisted suicide become legal, it will provide an opportunity for people to take the first step to helping others out.
On the other hand everybody can’t stay depressed and unhappy with their life forever. Sooner or later they will realize they are happy to be alive. They will look forward to do things in the future; they will have hopes and dreams and will be almost a normal human being. In the history of the United States, suicide or expected death has always been a tragedy. Maybe assisted suicide will give only hurt more than good.
But to conclude everything I have said, I am still for making assisted suicide legal in all states and around the world. If we do it will give us more rights, make us money, and will not have to waste resources to people who are not worth the wait. Assisted suicide should be legal and that’s final.
shi no numa
This is a poen I wrote for a project we did on the atomic bomb.
shi no numa
A day that was so perfect,
A day that went by so quick.
the love of my life was going to be with me.
He even asked my mother if we could hang.
Nice swing band with big beats.
I wore a flowery dress that i knew he would like,
I know he would like it because my mother doesn't like it.
My father is at work still and know nothing about this boy.
he's been at work for 8 months.
The boy that i will someday love and have young with.
I know the day would come,
but not like this.
I walked to the movie therete that he told me to go to.
It was about 4 miles but i didn't mind,
as long as i saw his face.
an ariel assualt was called earlier but was then dismissed.
The sky was blue, my father out and about, and nothing was to worry.
I heard a whislteing sound in the air.
I looked but could not make out what it was.
It looked like a plane dropped it.
But i ignored it as it were just an angle falling out of the sky.
I heard a bang,
I heard a thump,
I heard screams,
I dropped to the ground,
but was too close.
I felt a quick rush of heat across my back.
It was about to get very intensse then is stopped.
I saw my town and how it was turned into a childs sand chasle.
It was like I never even existed.
Just a peice of collateral damage.
I was 15 and gone.
shi no numa
A day that was so perfect,
A day that went by so quick.
the love of my life was going to be with me.
He even asked my mother if we could hang.
The boy plays in a local band,
a band that which i adore.
Nice swing band with big beats.
I wore a flowery dress that i knew he would like,
I know he would like it because my mother doesn't like it.
My father is at work still and know nothing about this boy.
he's been at work for 8 months.
The boy that i will someday love and have young with.
I know the day would come,
but not like this.
I walked to the movie therete that he told me to go to.
It was about 4 miles but i didn't mind,
as long as i saw his face.
an ariel assualt was called earlier but was then dismissed.
The sky was blue, my father out and about, and nothing was to worry.
I heard a whislteing sound in the air.
I looked but could not make out what it was.
It looked like a plane dropped it.
But i ignored it as it were just an angle falling out of the sky.
I heard a bang,
I heard a thump,
I heard screams,
I dropped to the ground,
but was too close.
I felt a quick rush of heat across my back.
It was about to get very intensse then is stopped.
I saw my town and how it was turned into a childs sand chasle.
It was like I never even existed.
Just a peice of collateral damage.
I was 15 and gone.
ISP risk game
This new isp project it very cool. It is simular to the game risk. I'm not very familar with the game but I have a good idea of the game from what has been explained to me from the project. But I think the other students don't have the basic stratigies for war. These kids are talking about making treaties and then back stabbimg each other. Its so confussing. Nothing has been put on paper yet and they want to kill each other.
Socail networking sites
You've probably heard of social networking sites. If you haven't then you must be living in a cave and still hunting for food. A social networking website is a service that focuses on people being in contact they know or would like to know. Its almost like an online community. They are able to share ideas, activities, events and interest within their own community or with everyone on that website.
They big thing about these sites are predators. I'm not talking about lions, tigers, and bears (oh my). But sexual predators that have been prosecuted and are know to the public. Every sex predator in the united states are posted on the internet and that information is legally aloud to be up there. With these social networking sites, it is very easy for a sex offender to pretend to be someone else that they are not. Lets say a 40 year old man that looks like image A could pretend to be a 24 year old female in image B.

Now we know young boys. Everybody knows young boys are just horn-balls. If a 24 year old girl messages a 14 year old boy, hes going to message back and want to get to know her cause he thinks she is interested in him. Then they start talking more and more, then sooner or later, they end meeting up somewhere. Thats when the man comes up in a white van and snatches him up.
Well that's the thing about sexual predators, but lets get back to the point of "formspring.me". This socail networking website lets people send annonomuse questions/statements. The user has the choice to answer the questions or to delete it. The questions are then only public when the person answers them. Now i don't know why but even when people talk crap about you on here, the users normally still postes the questions to the public. Actually i have myself, but i cannot recall a reason why i posed them publicly. I guess its because the delete options only apears when you flash your cursor over it. The delete option just isn't in your face, you have to look for it.
Formspring.me is even easier for sexual predators to luare kids/teens into their trapt. Formspring.me only askes for name/user name, state, and a picture if you want it there. There are no friends and no extra information to see if a person is lying about who they are. If your commenly sense smart, then you can pick out preditors and people beliveing they are someone else.
If a person has only been using the site for a week or two and they have 300 friends already, the best bet, its a bot or someone just adding as many people as they can. Also if a person doesn't have any pictures, or pictures of just their body, or professional pictures; its probly not a real person. Alot of people also say they are actors or actresses and then have crappy pictures.
Thing is, you can't belive everything you see on the internet. Alot of stuff is fake and alot of stuff is real. You've just got to know how to differenteriat the two.
They big thing about these sites are predators. I'm not talking about lions, tigers, and bears (oh my). But sexual predators that have been prosecuted and are know to the public. Every sex predator in the united states are posted on the internet and that information is legally aloud to be up there. With these social networking sites, it is very easy for a sex offender to pretend to be someone else that they are not. Lets say a 40 year old man that looks like image A could pretend to be a 24 year old female in image B.
Now we know young boys. Everybody knows young boys are just horn-balls. If a 24 year old girl messages a 14 year old boy, hes going to message back and want to get to know her cause he thinks she is interested in him. Then they start talking more and more, then sooner or later, they end meeting up somewhere. Thats when the man comes up in a white van and snatches him up.
Well that's the thing about sexual predators, but lets get back to the point of "formspring.me". This socail networking website lets people send annonomuse questions/statements. The user has the choice to answer the questions or to delete it. The questions are then only public when the person answers them. Now i don't know why but even when people talk crap about you on here, the users normally still postes the questions to the public. Actually i have myself, but i cannot recall a reason why i posed them publicly. I guess its because the delete options only apears when you flash your cursor over it. The delete option just isn't in your face, you have to look for it.
Formspring.me is even easier for sexual predators to luare kids/teens into their trapt. Formspring.me only askes for name/user name, state, and a picture if you want it there. There are no friends and no extra information to see if a person is lying about who they are. If your commenly sense smart, then you can pick out preditors and people beliveing they are someone else.
If a person has only been using the site for a week or two and they have 300 friends already, the best bet, its a bot or someone just adding as many people as they can. Also if a person doesn't have any pictures, or pictures of just their body, or professional pictures; its probly not a real person. Alot of people also say they are actors or actresses and then have crappy pictures.
Thing is, you can't belive everything you see on the internet. Alot of stuff is fake and alot of stuff is real. You've just got to know how to differenteriat the two.
Cardboard city.
Cardboard city.
Cardboard city is run by “Mary, Queen of all Saints” parish. Karrie M. Davis runs the actual youth group, which I’m involved in. Cardboard city just passed its fourth year in the making. It normally only last one night but we decided to make it last two nights this year. Cardboard city started on April 16, 2010 Friday at 6:00pm. We were not fed dinner that night and we were forced to make houses out of a limited amount of cardboard and duct tape. We do lessons about the catholic religion, feel how it is to be homeless, and do service projects all day for others.
The night that we got there, we had to get water, while it was raining. This cardboard city, we were to have no running water at all. So if we wanted something to drink, then we would have to walk to my house, which was exactly 2.4 miles, and about 47mins worth of walking (check “327 velde ave. Pennsauken NJ, 08110” to “4851 Camden Avenue Pennsauken, NJ 08110-1920” on Google maps). The group I had walked slowly, so I would say it took about an hour and fifteen mins to get to my house. As we were walking there, we had a crate filled with empty water bottles and a big Gatorade jug and we filled it all up with water from the hose. We then had to walk back to the Church while it was raining and will all the water bottles and jugs filled with water.
We have a curfew of 1:00am. It rained pretty hard earlier but stopped and was only drizzling. Throughout the night it rained hard on and off. That morning we were fed a limited one small bowl of cereal. Then we were split up into groups that would do different service projects. One group stayed at the church and painted children’s faces at a fair that was being held. Another group went into Camden to clean up crack dens, and the other group went into Philly and begged for money on Market Street.
The people who stayed at the fair had the easiest job. They go to sit at a table and do what every the kids wanted them to do. Sometimes they would get done doing a half an hour’s worth of work on a kids face and then another one would come up and ask for the same thing. They were not allowed to accept any food from anyone and were not allowed to buy any food of any sort. The only thing that they could put in their mouths was their thumb and water from their water bottle.
The teens that went into Camden had to have a strong stomach. They were forced to paint, clean up, and take insults from anyone walking by. The house they were cleaning up were called “crack den”, in which homeless people would live there and some people would do drugs there. They had to be careful of what they touched because there were feces in the corners of the rooms and used needles on the ground that they had to clean up.
I was not involved in any of them group but was involved in the group that went into Pennsylvania. We stereotyped the homeless outlook by making signs on cardboard. Some of us put funny things like “ I bet you can’t hit me with a quarter” and “ Ninjas have taken my family for ransom. Need money for kung-fu lessons.” We sat on the sidewalk and begged for money. The people holding these signs did not get much money. Some people were being very flamboyant with speaking to people on the streets saying that we need money to go back home. Originally I just sat on some steps, put a bowel out, and looked down every time someone walked past me. I did not get much money because I was holding one of the not so serious signs up. I then put a statistic on the sign about homeless teens in America. It was something like “ there are about 500,00 homeless teens throughout America and most of them are homeless because of abusive/ sexual exploded guardians and family.” People walked by and stared and read the sign until I looked them in the eye and then they turned around.
There was a very awkward moment while I had that sign up. As I was holding the sign, a buss filled with high school teenagers went by and stopped at a red light where i was. The whole bus was dead silent because they were all reading my sign. They said nothing nor made any faces towards me. They just read the sign and then looked at me for explanation.
Since I was sitting on the step all by myself with no sign at one point, people really thought I was homeless. I had a sense that people started to look at me differently. Like I dropped off the social class level and I was a peasant back in the renaissance time. Like people didn’t even think of me as a human, more like an animal that nobody wants to take responsibility for.

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